God truly is in control, and His plans are better than ours. When our flight from Sioux Lookout was changed, we took this opportunity to visit and pray with a friend at the local hospital. Shortly after our arrival in BTL, another friend asked us to go pray for people. The more I learn to go with the flow of the Holy Spirit, the more I am blessed and see others blessed. (Kari – Big Trout Lake, ON)
God taught me that people are the same no matter where you go. They want love and respect and consistency. The community of Brochet made me feel like I was very welcome. (Andy – Brochet, MB)
I was taught that all things can be done through Him. We had lots of hardships and God helped us through them all. For example, not having anywhere to stay a week before the trip, and God helped us find a place. (Kylee – Cross Lake, MB)
We visit around the community whenever free. God arranged that we were able to visit with everyone on “our list”. We were so happy to be able to come alongside each person and see resolution or going in the right direction to a solution. (Joan – Deschambault, SK)
I have never seen so many goodbye hugs. We were able to grow closer to more kids than ever! The need for prayer continues. We all have scars, and God can heal them. (Mark – Garden Hill, MB)
Things work according to God’s clock not mine. I had things I “needed to do” but had interactions with community members that quickly took precedence. One-on-one conversations are the best. (Tim – Gitanyow, BC)
I truly felt the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit while in Grandmother’s Bay. The motivation of the Holy Spirit lead us to take more risks with the depth of our women’s devotions in the evening, and I believe it was a blessing to all who were there. (Marilyn – Grandmother’s Bay, SK)
I was taught to get outside of myself. God changes my heart when I sacrifice to serve others. We have some cool people at our church who assume positive intent about others. Everyone needs Jesus! (Beth – Laxgalts’ap (Greenville), BC)
Once again, God taught me that I need to be prepared to carry out what He has planned for our time in the community. (Judi – Hall Lake, SK)
God works through each believer to reveal His glory to others. There’s no way we could have done everything we did alone. Being able to connect with the kids and adults in the community was something I was worried about, but God has opened their hearts to welcome our team into their lives. ( Braydan – Kincolith, BC)
God always humbles me when I do mission work. We are to not be afraid of speaking His Word to those whom He places in front of you. I was given the honor to pray for certain members in the community by one of their leaders. The Holy Spirit brought two people to me at the airport so I could pray directly with them. Praise God and how He controls our lives. (Rev. Jeff – Kingfisher Lake, ON)
God shows us how sometimes our plans are not His and to be patient and ready for changes. God is working through us and showing His love to all in the community. The ladies are opening their hearts, and we are able to share God’s love. The children are so happy to spend time and share with us. So amazing to share the love of Jesus! (Colleen – Kitamaat Village, BC)
A man who attends the men’s Bible study told me he really appreciated us coming, that it was really important to him and his children. He shared, ‘I knew you were here many years before I came to a Bible study, but I could not make myself come and talk to you. I am so glad I came. You changed my life!’ (Dana – Lac Brochet, MB)
I was taught patience. We’d like to see all that they are being taught to sink in right away. Of course it does not, which is why our team leader and others emphasize the relationships with the students year after year to help solidify our message of Jesus’ love. (Steve – Little Grand Rapids, MB)
One of the ladies from the community who had been coming for years to help our team had been having health difficulties. Yet on that first day of Bible school, she was the first one to walk through the doors! This speaks volumes to the bonds formed. In spite of hardships, she had something to leave her house and come to that she loved. (Hannah – Lynn Lake, MB)
When we first started our mission trip four years ago, the kids couldn’t answer a question about who Jesus was and what He did for them. Now, they all know the answers -- that Jesus died on the cross for them, came to take away their sins, etc. (Rev. Brett – Muskrat Dam, ON)
God loves and cares for each of these priceless, amazing children. We are Christ’s hand and maybe His ears too. Whether coloring together or sitting on benches, these precious ‘littles’ of all ages strive for your undivided attention -- someone to listen to their stories or answer their questions. Other times, it’s to say ‘I love you and Jesus does too!’ (Sheila – Norway House, MB)
I was taught to rely on God when the going gets tough. He works while we aren’t there. (Megan & Alex – Pelican Narrows, SK)
I still need to increase my patience and trust in the Lord’s timing. God gives us the exact time we need for everything in our lives. It is a gift, and we need to enjoy each day and be open to His direction and appointments that He has already planned for us. I need to answer His call without waiting or wavering because we cannot get time back. (Sue – Red Sucker Lake, MB)
God teaches us to enjoy people with no agenda. As we enjoy people and love and serve them, He opens up opportunities for us to talk about His love. (Rev. Brad – Sachigo Lake, ON)
I am always amazed at the faith some of the elders have. We only had mass with one priest in the four years we’ve been going. The elders do the service on their own. This is so moving to me. We could learn so much from these faith leaders and how God is working through them. (Anne – Sandy Bay, SK)
God used our team in so many ways. He taught me patience, empathy and a greater love for the people in Sandy Lake. On the day of a funeral, we cancelled VBS and prepared food for the family & friends to eat afterwards. We felt honored they asked us to pray. (Joan – Sandy Lake, ON)
I’m to be prepared to give an answer for the hope that I have. We also learned that we have touched the lives of some in the past, as we had many young adults come up to us and say, ‘Remember me? I was in your Bible school 10 years ago.’ That was the best -- to see the smile on their faces. (Leon – Shamattawa, MB)
Because we have returned to this community for many years, they are finally welcoming us into their real lives. There were several ministry happenings outside of the VBS teaching. God used us to minister to families and to pray with them as their hearts were breaking over the loss of loved ones. They trust us and know we truly care about them. (Teresa – South Indian Lake, MB)
There can be a desire or expectation to “change the community”. And if the expectation is about me making a change, then I have it all wrong. Only God can work in people’s hearts. He will use us in ways that we do not expect. (Kirsti – Southend, SK)
God taught me that His will is the best plan for my life. Every year I serve with LAMP, I am reminded of this truth, and it becomes very evident. (Steven – Sucker River, SK)
Give grace and keep going -- He will see us through and sometimes brings about something good that we can see. (Maura – Tadoule Lake, MB)
We believe that our message of Jesus was just as important for the adults that stayed with the children as it was for the children themselves. (Barb & Karen – Thompson, MB)
One of the younger girls seemed to be really struggling and hurting. Every day she would hug me for a long, long time. During this hug, I would always pray (silently) for her. And every time, she would turn away and wipe away tears. I sensed God ministering to her through these hugs. (Jeanne – Wapekeka, ON)
To trust and rely on Him at all times -- that He would provide the words I needed to say or the actions to do at the appropriate time. I trusted Him to open my heart to the people in the community and on our team.This trip showed me I can open my heart and rely on others for help and support; it helped me with my own journey in life. (Heather – Weagamow Lake, ON)
We do not know what each person is going through so it is our job to show Jesus’ love in all we do. These people need to have a reminder that God loves them and to have hope no matter what goes on. (Madysan – Wollaston, SK)